6 apps for smartphones puzzled and madness inevitably

Unknown 3:01 م
In fact, there are very few basic applications that we use on a regular basis in our phones, and there are hundreds of wonderful applications that can make your life easier or more productive, and possibly thousands of applications are just perfect for wasting your precious time ... and then there are those applications that will make you go crazy and get puzzled .dona inevitably learn about some brands.
6 apps for smartphones Stsepk puzzled and madness inevitably

We use smart phones to do a lot of things, but personal hygiene or grooming is definitely not one of them (and even if we provenance. We hope That, in fact).  This application basically Converts your phone into a electric shaver.  I mean it just shows the power switch on the screen similar to most applications Simulator flashlight. When you run the application, you just sound like a humming electric razor will hear.

This application is based on at Least Often Warned us so in the first instance by showing Thdhirah message "Warning: This game would be pointless."  But if you want to override this warning, you can play, simply place your finger on the screen to earn points, and when you remove your finger from the screen, you inevitably St_khasr !!

Of petty as well as applications that have achieved a lot of downloads is an application, which can be considered Bakarih digital cup Johmk it is able to read your mind and know what you can think of and you will display on your screen, whether real or fictional character.

Smart phones may be of great Benefit for parents in Certain cases, but Certainly this application is not one of them.  He claims That you can very Easily find out what your baby needs by translating screaming to know you is hungry, tired or need other all in less than 10 seconds!  Strangely, However, That the price of this app is $ 5.  Personally, I'm not an expert in the care of children, but I think it's safe to Assume That no application can replace parental Intuition When it comes to these things.

Application and paid another price almost one dollar, its main mission is to Present a picture of a monkey on your smartphone screen, this monkey with big eyes works to track your face and your stare is not.  Clearly, it is designed for children, but I can not imagine that there is a child wants to play a game with this monkey stare.

This Tabik Despite the strangeness, but it is more than the Useful applications Contained in this list.  This is simply placebo Because the connection out of Embarrassing Situations or to escape from a boring conversation, for example.  Once the application is simple shake and without the need to press any button Vsicom holding fake call to you according to the settings established by the former.

Of course there are many other free applications and even paid similar to the above.

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